Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shining light

Read an article in the paper today about some shop owners down town, complaining about cops racketeering. What is this city coming to when you can't even trust the Police?

The article didn't drop any names because the whole thing is considered to be just allegations, but they did mention something about Inspector Gordon again.

His name is always in the papers for something or other.

This time it's because the shop owners told him about what the cops in his precinct were doing. It's pretty big of him to take it up for investigation... no one likes a snitch. Especially when it's one of your own.

I met Gordon when I was younger. He used to visit me every now and then after the incident with my parents, but now days I only see his face on TV or in the papers. The press makes him out to be the police departments lone shining light. I admire the guy, but I wonder how long he'll last before he caves.

No one can keep this city safe on their own... not even someone like Gordon.

Went to the park today

Alfred dragged me out of the mansion to go down to Grand park this afternoon, I get sick of the long drive down.

I went though and it was alright.

Sitting there on the bench while Alfred read the paper wasn't really my idea of fun, but I guess now and then it's nice to not be in the mansion.

It's big walls can be very lonely to look at. So many shadows and dark corners, that hold so many memories. I don't even think I've even seen all the rooms yet, one day I should definitely go exploring.

I left Alfred to read his paper while I walked around a bit, looking at the people getting along with their own business. Laughing and playing, chatting away in the midst of laughter and smiles.

It was nice...

With most of Gotham being so damn depressing, this park is actually nice to have. It's trees and leaves giving way to a city sky line that goes dark against the setting sun. For a moment it all looks very nice.

Random pic of the park I found
But none of it is real...

Because once that sun sets, that's when Gotham wakes up... and the sleeping monster that it is during day, shows it true intent. I don't know why I keep seeing things this way, but every time I leave the house, all I want to do is go back home. At least there I can pretend that this damn city doesn't exist.

Which is hard enough because every window you look out of at home, shows you some stinking cranny of the city.


I walked past Alfred and asked him to get the car ready, not wanting to look him in the eyes. He quickly folded his paper and ran past me to get my door. He doesn't have to do that, but I know it makes him happy to do so.

The drive back home seemed a lot shorter. After I showered, Alfred asked if I wanted to do my homework in the viewing room, so as to watch some television. Normally he insists that I use father's study, but I guess he knows not to push it tonight.

I told him I didn't feel like watching anything tonight, after this I'll probably just read something and go to bed. But I'll probably just lie here staring at the city lights, bleeding into the night sky...

Mum and Dad loved the city... I wonder if I'll ever grow to love it the same way.

Maybe tonight

"The Mark of Zorro" is going to be on television tonight.

Maybe tonight I can sit through it. It's probably the only time Alfred stays awake to watch anything with me. When I'm watching Zorro.

It's just a stupid movie...

A stupid movie I just want to get over. I remember years ago I was obsessed with Zorro. Alfred kept all my All star weekly's, because he said he knew I'd go back to them. He keeps telling me not to "grow up to fast."

What the hell does that even mean? I swear it's that British accent of his, makes him think he can say anything and it will come off sounding profound.

Sitting here bored

Sitting here in the computer lab because I just don't think I can take the next lesson.

I told Alfred that I wasn't ready to come back yet... not after what happened last month. But he can be pretty insistent sometime, he reminds me so much of dad.

But I don't think I'll be having any more break downs anytime soon. Hate the damn pills though... taste like moth balls.

If I have to take another period of staring out the window, I don't know what I'll do. Think I'll just sit here till Chemistry... now at least that's kinda fun. I still remember the little chem set that Al got me for Christmas a couple of years back. Took him forever to get that green goo out of his hair.

When he had hair lol.

Ted Gibbons was being a pain again today... I swear if that dick calls me "orphan" one more time, I'm going to punch him in the damn face. Hate these rich kids and their bull shit. Don't know why I couldn't just stay in home school. The brats here just make me so angry... to bad they can't buy a decent personality with all the damn money their parents are marking.

Last week Jim Philis drove his dad car into a ditch, this was after the damn party he had when his parents were out of town. As usual I wasn't invited... not that I even wanted to go.

Not to these parties...

I remember when Dad used to through his parties... now those were fun. Especially that year when we all had to dress up. Man that was a lot of fun. Dad's Man-Bat out fit was pretty cool I guess, a little on the dorky side, but at least he knew how to have fun.

Then after every party he'd insist on driving us out for some ice cream, even though mum would remind him that we have huge tubs of it sitting in the freezer.

But eventually Dad would just smile and laugh and mom would just laugh and come along... with Alfred driving of course. Seeing as how Dad wasn't even the best drive when he was sober. I could get out and run faster than he would drive.


I miss him so much...

Damn.. there goes the bell for Chem lab. Off to make me some smoke bombs hehe.